How to Go to Confession: A Step-by-Step Catholic Guide
Feb 28, 2025
How to Go to Confession: Embrace the Mercy of God
Confession can sometimes feel intimidating, but it is one of the most beautiful gifts God offers—a chance to unburden your soul and receive His love and mercy in the deepest places of our brokenness. Whether it’s been years or just a few weeks since your last confession, this guide will help you confidently approach the Sacrament and better understand the nature of the sins of confess.
Understanding Sin: Mortal vs. Venial
Before heading to confession, it’s important to recognize the difference between mortal and venial sins:
A Mortal Sin is a grave offense against God that severs our relationship with Him. For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be met:
Grave Matter: The act involves something serious (e.g., violating the Ten Commandments, such as stealing or harming others).
Full Knowledge: You knew the act was wrong when you committed it.
Deliberate Consent: The sin was committed freely and intentionally. (e.g., you were not forced to commit an act, nor did you accidentally commit the act.)
Mortal sin deprives us of sanctifying grace, but confession restores it!
Venial Sin, on the other hand, involves less serious matters or sins committed without full knowledge or consent. While venial sin weakens our relationship with God, it does not break it. Confessing these sins is still encouraged, as it strengthens your soul and helps you live a more virtuous life.
Steps to a Life-Changing Confession
Here’s how you can prepare and go through the sacrament of reconciliation:
1. Prepare Your Heart
Take time to examine your conscience. Reflect on your thoughts, words, and actions since your last confession. Consider areas where you’ve fallen short, whether through sins of commission (actions you’ve done) or omission (good you failed to do). For a thorough examination of conscience, check out the special playlist we made to help you prepare for confession on Tabella click here.
2. Enter the Confessional and Greet the Priest
Begin with the sign of the cross and say:
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been [time frame] since my last confession."
Regardless of how long it has been since your last confession, do not be afraid to tell the priest! It doesn’t matter how long it has been— all that matters is that you are back and ready to be reconciled with Jesus!
3. Confess Your Sins
Share your sins honestly and openly. Be specific about the mortal sins, stating the number of time and occasions you fell into sin. For venial sins, focus on patterns or areas where you seek God’s help. If you forget a sin or cannot remember all the detail, don’t worry. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your conscience and give you the courage to share as honestly as possible. Conclude with:
"I am sorry for these and all my sins."
4. Listen to the Priest
The priest acts in the person of Christ. He may offer advice, encouragement, or spiritual guidance to help you avoid future sin. He might also silently listen and simply allow you to share what’s troubling your heart. At the end, he will then give you a penance—a prayer or action to express your repentance.
5. Pray the Act of Contrition
After receiving your penance, the priest will ask you to pray the Act of Contrition. A common version is:
"My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy."
6. Receive Absolution
This is the best part! The priest will say the prayer of absolution, and your sins will be forgiven. Respond with “Amen” and make the sign of the cross.
7. Complete Your Penance
After leaving the confessional, fulfill your penance as soon as possible. Remember, for your confession to be valid, you must complete the acts of penance given by the confessor. Use this moment to reflect on God’s grace and love, and to make a wholehearted resolution to live your life entirely for Christ.
Don’t Be Afraid—God Is Waiting for You!
Confession isn’t about condemnation; it’s about communion. Through a real encounter with the real and ever-living God, our broken hearts are healed and restored. Where sin once had control over our life, we will find a new freedom to truly be the people God made us to be. No matter how long it’s been or how heavy the burden you carry, Christ is more than capable of shouldering the load.
Take a step closer to Him. Experience the peace that comes from laying everything at His feet. Confession is not just a practice; it’s a powerful encounter with Christ, who is always ready to forgive and restore. For more help and prayers to help you prepare for the Sacrament of Confession, check out the Confession Kit playlist on Tabella.