
Advent: Embracing the Season of Hope, Preparation, and Joy



Nov 27, 2024

As the temperatures begin to drop, Christmas lights begin to sparkle throughout neighborhoods, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season takes full force, the Church invites us to hold back out holiday cheer. Before enter into the Christmas season, we are invited to enter into the season of Advent—a time that calls us not just to wait, but to actively prepare our hearts for the arrival of Christ.

But what is Advent?

Derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming" or "arrival," Advent is a four-week period of hope, reflection, and readiness for the great solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. Though on this day, we call to mind the first coming of Christ in Bethlehem, the Church reminds us that Christ is coming again.

As a people of the resurrection, we await the blessed day in which there will be no separation between this life and the next, but rather one home, one Church, one Kingdom for all eterni

Advent as a Season of Longing and Hope

At its heart, Advent is about our desire for God’s presence. We all recognize the brokenness in our world and within our own lives. Advent invites us to bring that brokenness to God, longing for His Kingdom to come here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Each week, as we light a candle on the Advent wreath, the increasing light reminds us that even as we wait and long for the second coming, Christ is already with us here and now. In His Church, in the Sacraments, in the Holy Spirit, Our Lord continues to abide with us and longs to be born into every season, circumstance, and situation we face.

Joyful Expectation

There is a sense of joyful expectation woven throughout Advent. As we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth, we know the significance of the gift we await—God’s love made visible, personal, and near.

This joy doesn’t ignore life’s difficulties, but instead acknowledges that with Christ, all things can be renewed. Even as we await the fulfillment of all things in truth, as we carry our crosses and face suffering, we hold firm to the confidence that death will never have the final victory.

With every step forward in our journey, Christ walks beside us, guiding and strengthening us every step of the way.

Time for Prayerful Reflection

Advent also offers a chance to pause and listen for God’s voice. Amidst holiday bustle, the Church encourages us to slow down, to quiet our hearts in prayer, and be attentive to the still small voice of God. This season calls us to intentional moments of stillness, as we open ourselves to the work He wants to do within us.

Penance: Making Room for Christ

Just as Advent is a time of joyful expectation, it is also a time of penance. The Church invites us to look inward and ask a hard question: Is there room in my heart for Christ?

As we examine our priorities, responsibilities, and desires, the Church gives us ample opportunities to clear out anything that prevents Christ the King from fully reigning over our hearts.

Through intentional prayer as well as Advent penance services, we seek to reconcile our hearts with God as well as our neighbor, seeking to live in the fullness of God’s mercy and share it with everyone around us.

To accompany you on this journey of prayer and repentance, we are offering a variety of amazing playlists to help you make room for Christ this Christmas. Here are our top-picks:

  • True Identity: Journey through a season of healing and identity with True Identity, a unique Advent series created by Damascus Missions. Complete with a free e-guide (CLICK HERE!), this series invites you to dive deeper into your faith throughout Advent and into the Christmas season.

  • Advent 101: This playlist provides all the basic information about this liturgical season, as well all the season’s traditions, themes, and the ways it’s celebrated worldwide. Ideal for those who are new to the faith or simply need a refresher on all things Advent.

  • The Jesse Tree Playlist: The Jesse Tree Playlist is a reflective, prayerful experience, tracing the lineage of Christ through the Old Testament. Perfect for daily meditation, this series brings you through the story of salvation up to the Incarnation of Christ.

  • St. Andrew’s Novena: Embrace a cherished Advent tradition with the famous St. Andrew’s Novena, a beautiful and focused way to prepare your heart each day as we anticipate the birth of Christ through the intercession of St. Andrew.

Bringing Light to Others

As we progressively light each candle on our Advent wreaths, let us remember that in faith, we never journey alone. Reflecting Christ’s deep desire for unity, we journey as one Church family towards Christmas.

Whether through more time in prayer, listening to an Advent playlist with its enriching guide, or attending an Advent penance service, let us invite our family, friends, and wider community to join us in preparing a way for the Lord.

Unlike the experience of the Holy Family upon arriving in Bethlehem, there is always room in the Church. This Advent, as we open our hearts to Christ, let us also open the doors of our parishes and groups, inviting others to find a place at the table.

Amen to That!

Amen to That!

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