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Reach your Catholic Community Everywhere

Stay in touch with your Catholic groups for free with Tabella, the Social App for Catholics.

"Just blown away by the fact that Tabella is free. Our parish was struggling to pay for other solutions and this came at the right time for us"
Mari K. - Ministry Group Leader
"I love being able to send unlimited announcements to our community and that they now have a place to listen to great things about our faith"
John A. - Ministry Group Leader

Bring all your groups together in one place

Forget about using multiple social media platforms to stay connected with your group members. With Tabella, you can communicate and share events, news and updates in one secure place


Designed to help grow
Catholic communities

Easy Management

We provide you with the simplest way to communicate, organize and keep in touch with your community.


We are constantly releasing new improvements and features to help you manage your communities.

Safe and private

Our commitment to your members’ privacy and security is always our priority.

Free for everyone

That’s right! Communicating through Tabella is free forever- no matter the size of your community.

Never miss important
updates ever again

Receive updates that are important to you like the arrival of new members, new posts, comments, likes and more.


Grow your community
with tabella for free!

The #1 Free Catholic App for Parishes and Groups