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Fr. Manny Alvarez – A priest’s first assignment | The Life of a Priest Podcast


José Ballón

A priests first assignment

This is an excerpt from the full interview on The Life of a Priest, a podcast available in the Tabella Catholic App.

Father Manny Alvarez is the pastor of the Church of the Little Flower in Coral Gables, Florida. In this excerpt he shares his views on the first assignment of a priest and compares it to a “first love”.

…And I always equate it with like your first love. Like, you always remember your first crush, your first love and how much you’re attached. That that’s the, the, it always is the first parish of a priest. You always remember your first, it’s like your first kiss. You remember that, and you say, wow, there’s something special.

And what I always say, whenever I visit there, this is where I learned to be a priest. This is where I learned to be a Father that you all taught me how to be a Father.

Listen to the entire interview with Father Manny Alvarez on the Tabella Catholic App.

José Ballón
José Ballón
Media Producer


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