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Fr. Manny Alvarez – Sunday Mass was not an Option | The Life of a Priest Podcast

June 14, 2022

José Ballón

Sunday Mass was not an option

This is an excerpt from the full interview on The Life of a Priest, a podcast available in the Tabella Catholic App.

Father Manny Alvarez is the pastor of the Church of the Little Flower in Coral Gables, Florida. In this excerpt he tells us how his parents gave him the example of attending Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation.

He said: (quoting his father’s friend) “Listen, if you want your marriage to be successful, if you want your family to grow and to be in harmony and to be in peace, then you really need to go to church every Sunday. And, why don’t you join us?” So they would go with their group of friends to Mass every Sunday. Didn’t matter. As long as you go to Mass–I tell people this all the time–people would tell me: “Father, I didn’t go to mass at the parish this Sunday, but we were at a.., with some family at another parish.” Well you know, at least you went to Mass and that’s what my parents did. You know, Sunday Mass was not an option.

Listen to the entire interview with Father Manny Alvarez on the Tabella Catholic App.

José Ballón
José Ballón
Media Producer


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